Finally Brunello New York: Brunello Week kicks off

Brunello Week in New York, organized by Area 39 for the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino, has successfully begun. 41 restaurants between Manhattan and Brooklyn for one week (June 14-20) will promote Montalcino wines, Rosso and Brunello, to their guests by offering specially designed menus.

Also involved are two Private Clubs, the Soho House and the Core Club , where tastings and events will be held for the exclusive promotion of Rosso di Montalcino.


Brunello Week is the last part of the Finally Brunello project that Area 39 designed and conducted from March to June 2021 in New York. The project included several activities (tasting, press lunch, educational webinar, influencer marketing activities, adv, pr) with the common goal of increasing the awareness of the promoted appellations among consumers.

More information can be found at Finally Brunello